Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Beach After Party


I bet you can guess where we go after the beach!  Shrimp tacos, fish tacos, cold beer, people and boat watching -- Bally Hoo's got it all!

These fishermen were moving the panga the old school way.

Snorkeling daytrippers unloading.

Fisherman at work.

In case you forgot where we are.

Pelicans waiting for fishermen to throw out some tasty treats!
Notice all the tall masts?  There's a regatta in town, so that makes for even better people watching!


  1. I'm thinking I should have booked October in Isla instead of Granada, Nicaragua! Hmmm... wondering if I can get my deposit refunded??

  2. If it's any consolation, October can be very rainy on Isla and that's the height of hurricane season. And it's pouring this morning. Hope it lets up soon because I skipped dinner last night and I need to forage for breakfast!
