Saturday, January 18, 2014

Late Night Easel Work

I've been felled by the dreaded la grippe.  Actually I'm being dramatic.  The sneezing and runny nose started late yesterday and hopefully it's just the common cold.  Anyway, last night suffering from insomnia induced by cold pills, I picked up my cellphone and noticed my entire Picasa gallery had somehow migrated to my phone.  What to do?  Paper Artist!

Among the many sculptures that have popped up on the island in the last five or six years, this one's my favorite.  I call it the Fish Arch!

Side street shrine.

I love bolsas.  My favorites feature Day of the Dead Katrinas and Frida.


Sometimes you can only see this doggie's nose when you're strolling down Juarez.  Someday I'd like to tour the interior of his casa.

The much photographed Casa Esperanza on Juarez.  Wonder what's behind those colonial Yucatan doors?

Passing vendor on Playa Norte.

An oldie but goodie, circa 2006.   Vendors at Playa Lancheros used to drape the palapas with pareos.  After the daytripper boats departed for the day, we'd order guacamole and shop.

Everyone loves a parade.  I missed this one in November.  Maybe 2014?

Aaaaaaaaa-chooooooo!  I bet you're happy I can't spread this virus through my blog.  : )


  1. I just discovered Paper Artist on my husband's phone the other day. He didn't even know he had it. I'm going to put it on my tablet and give it a whirl. Thanks for showing what you can do with it!

  2. Where is the "like" button! Those are great Becky. Hope you only have the sniffles, flu (influenza)is running rampant in Michigan.

  3. They are so lovely. THAT would be a reason to entice me to get a cell phone!

  4. Nancy, hope you find the app on your tablet.

    Jan, I'm positive now it's not flu. It's the sniffles brought on by the doldrums. Ha! We do get the shot every year and it hasn't progressed. I'm hoping it doesn't go to the chest and become asthmatic bronchitis. Then I'll need the hard drugs.

    Babs, we finally threw in the towel last May and got smartphones. I'm hooked on this app.
