Friday, December 20, 2013

California Dreamin'

Yesterday was rainy and windy, but since we were finally at the beach, we didn't care!  This morning dawned beautiful and the trend continued.  What a gorgeous day!

Yesterday's storms brought big waves to the coast.  I spotted this surfer through the palms in front of our room.

The beach joggers were out early!

Nearby Crystal Pier has a Christmas tree out on the end.

Christmas wreaths on the pier.

 Planter boxes on the cottages at Crystal Pier.


Pigeons instead of seagulls?

Before heading north to Oceanside, we stopped in Ocean Beach to shop the antique stores.  Love this Christmas tree on the beach there!  No clue how these lights became animated!

Christmas decorations on Newport Ave, the main drag in Ocean Beach.

Polar Bear Club?  There's a reason surfers wear wetsuits!  Brrrrrrr.

Cool surfer dude bench.

These pelicans were real posers.

We ended our day with another beach/pier walk in our new location.  Stay tuned!


  1. I thought you were going to Isla. What a surprise!

  2. Craig won't be ready for the tropics until after the second surgery to remove the plate from his shoulder, so we found the closest beach! We're hoping he can swim/fish by May!

  3. Great photos! Glad you were able to get away somewhere!
