Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Ghost of Christmas Past

Seriously, with my new job as the sole chauffeur, nurse, maid, and heavy lifter around here, not to mention still trying to get settled in our new home, there's little time for blogging.  I've also made the sad decision this year that I'm not putting up the Christmas tree because it's way too much work (involves a lot of heavy lifting and mechanical abilities I don't possess) since we're leaving the week before Christmas and not returning until the 27th -- just in time to take it down!  I feel like I'm throwing in the towel, but I've bedecked and bedazzled everything else, so there's plenty of holiday cheer.

Once again I digress.  I thought it might be fun to show some cheery Christmas photos from past trips to that favorite little island.  I can't be there in person, but it's fun to post old photos!

Christmas parade ready!

Wanted:  Mangers for Baby Jesus's.

Traditional outfits for sale.

Frosty on a humble casa.

Feliz Navidad wreath.

My favorite island window.

Isla Snowman!

Stay tuned!  More Christmas cookie crumbs to follow!


  1. I love hat photo of my golf cart all decked out for Christmas.

  2. Cool! I took the photo in November/December 2011 when it was parked at the NaBalam entrance to Playa Norte by Avalon Cove! Feel free to just copy and save the photo Kyra!
