Sunday, November 10, 2013

A Little Country Chill

Yes, we live in the sticks now and it's getting cold overnight, but that's not what I'm talking about!

We're into the final countdown.  One week until we leave for Isla Mujeres!  My hair's practically standing on end because I have so much to get done and so little time.

We're definitely in the three steps forward/two steps back phase here at the ranch.  Just when I think I have all these new house problems solved, some other little crisis crops up. And that's when I have to remind myself to chill out!

Escape to Mexico!

I'm actually a closet country western devotee.  I thought I'd share a couple of Craig Moritz videos off YouTube this morning.  The first was filmed on that little island a lot of us love.

See how many locals you recognize in the video.  Love the puppy in the Santa hat from Isla Animals!

I just discovered this second song yesterday and it's a good one too!

If you're on Isla Mujeres mid-November into December, maybe we'll bump into each other! 

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