Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Side Tracked

I know.  I haven't been blogging much lately.  That's because I lack free time.  When we're not on the backroads . . . 

we're sidetracked.
For example, yesterday after waiting on painters to do touch up on the house, we left to find a nursery where we could buy cacti for pots.  The pots are sitting empty in the courtyard looking lonely.  

A mile down the highway, Craig wanted a burrito.  The car veered into Lupe's lot for lunch.  After lurching another 15 miles down the road, the Honda swung into Home Depot.  Home Depot doesn't stock cacti that survive 15 degrees, but they do carry cheap potting soil.

Then Craig saw Radio Shack on the front of the lot.  Oh god.  What is it about Radio Shack that men love?  Maybe they still dream of remote control cars?

Sitting in the car waiting on the man, my phone rang.  I struggled to answer it since I get so few calls.  It was the instructor of the water aerobics class with the waiting list.  Time waits for no man (woman) when you finally get the call that you're 'in'.

She gave me a daunting list of items needed for today's class including water walking shoes (Jesus complex?).  Finding size 11 women's shoes that walk on water is not an easy last minute task.  Fortunately, she also gave me the exact store and location -- another 6 miles down the road.  In addition, I needed a skinny noodle, orange floaties, webbed gloves, and 2 pound weights -- visits to three other stores. 

I conquered the list by 4 p.m. and it was time to drive the long road back home in time for the evening bike ride before the rattlesnakes supposedly come out to warm themselves on the asphalt and paved patios.

Once again -- our best efforts were foiled!  No cacti! Today's list includes getting this HP laptop shipped off for repair and waiting at the house while Fausto installs granite in the casita.

But all that after water aerobics!  I'm going to try not to scream when I get in the water because they keep the temp at 82 degrees.  Geez Louise!  Let's call it conditioning so I'm prepared for November/December temps on Playa Norte!

Oops, let the cat out of the bag.  Our tropical drought will be ending in mid-November.  We scored reasonable tickets to Cancun and we'll be headed back to that little island we love.  : )

Random repeats of Isla Mujeres seem much more inviting to me than photos of the desert this morning.  Absence makes the heart grow fonder!

 My spot awaits!

Yes, it's Isla amor!


  1. Glad you have a trip planned soon!

  2. We're overdue. The move's been pretty stressful. Can't wait to let the waves lull me to sleep for 3 weeks.

  3. Beck that's great! Another nice long stay on Isla. I envy you!

    Hope your water aerobics class was fun!

    I don't comment much but I read your blog all the time - love it! Thanks!


  4. Thanks Jeanne! (I'm tardy answering comments!)
