Saturday, October 26, 2013

Seven on Saturday

Finally, I have a working laptop again!  I've been struggling with posting by tablet and cellphone, making blogging much more tedious.  This is the virgin voyage of my newly re-conditioned old HP.

Three weeks from tomorrow, I hope to be sitting at Bally Hoo taking in this view!

In honor of my newfound  ease with blogging from the laptop, I'll post seven Saturday photos.  It's shopping day on Isla Mujeres!
I'd love to have a Mexican blanket to doll up the bed in the casita!
Love the flowered bowl with the white background.

Next trip to Isla, everyone should buy a basket or purse and lighten basket man's load.  I personally love the piggies.

We really need to figure out how to hang one of these because I'd love to lie in my hammock on my patio in Arizona and read a book!

Maybe I'll buy a stuffed crocodile next trip in honor of last week's croc hunt on the island!  (In case you missed it, a croc made it into the Caribe on the east side where it was chased by the Navy.  It now resides at the Mundaca zoo.)

I need a new Isla bag.  I'll take the blue striped one center bottom.  Oops, changed my mind.  I like the orange/green/red/black/blue stripe center top row!

I know I posted this photo before.  If only I could stuff one of these rustic kid chairs in the overhead!  It'd be a perfect with a potted cactus sitting on top.

Three more weeks!  : )


  1. Your pictures never fail to make me smile. The colors are so vivid. LOVE them -- thank you!

  2. Love all these photos --I seem to have bought some of most of those items & brought them home! And I found a Mexican blanket at Alan's parents house when we were cleaning it out! We are thinking of moving & the task ahead will be daunting--Alan has lived here since 1977!

  3. Moving's not for sissies -- LOL. We've moved 4 times since 1978, so I can only imagine that task Ann! I will say there's something satisfying about shedding the baggage. I need to complete the job on this end and get rid of any junk I brought with me.(We'll see if that happens!) Good luck. You can do it!

  4. Actually, I just realized we've moved 5 times since 1978. LOL The trick is it gets harder the older you are. : )
