Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Blurring the Lines

This is a test to see what I can do blogging with a cellphone and a tablet.  I'm tired of lugging the big laptop around when I travel, and it's a moot point because the laptop needs to be sent back to HP to see if I can squeeze another year out of it.

I pluck old photos out of the clouds with my cellphone, blur the lines in Paper Artist, load them to Picasa Web -- and here they are!


Speaking of blurring the lines, we're headed into Tucson tonight to see a friend of our neighbors from the Puerto Vallarta area perform at a local bar.  It's nice to blur those lines between Mexico and home until we can actually transpot ourselves back to the island!  I'll try and take a few photos!


  1. You are indeed an artist when it comes to unique photo editing. These photos should be printed and framed. Your could become a vendor on the beaches of Isla and sell these beauties. And now I learn about Paper Artist...

  2. Thanks Lynda and Babs. The wonders of cell phones and apps! I'll have to experiment with printing one. :)
