Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I Could Use a Beach Day!

Don't know about you, but I could use some beach time right about now.   It's almost Labor Day and I bet the water down Isla way is wonderfully warm and the white sand's cool between your toes.

I completely forgot where I left off back in May.  If your memory's anything like mine, maybe it won't matter!  Let's go to the beach!

On this sunny April day, there seemed to be a Corona convention at the Hidalgo entrance to Playa Norte.

I stole a photo of the young girl in front of us.  She could have been posing for a rum or sun lotion ad!

Braids anyone?  She doesn't bother asking me because mine's too short.

The morning view from my lair back in the palms.

The scenery down NaBalam way has changed in the past few years with the addition of the colorful paddle boards and red loungers.  Very beachy!

My new pareo blends right in with the gorgeous Playa Norte scenery.  (Newby tip:  the market across from Poc Na is great for affordable souvenirs.)

Or you can buy from one of the many vendors who walk the beach.

Blue panga + blue Caribe = heaven.

Sagging on the beach = not so beautiful.

New beach restaurant -- The Coconut Buffet.

Gorgeous day to lounge back in the deep shade of the palms.

Sometimes you run into old friends at the beach, sometimes you make new friends.  

Sometimes you hang out until the light fades.  Next trip -- I'm staying for more sunsets!

Okay, back to reality.  Craig has a fan sitting here in the middle of the great room and is pushing me out of here!  But I can dream!

When's your next beach trip?


  1. Wonderful! Love all the photos. It makes waiting 5 more months a little more bearable!

  2. The way our year's going, five months will fly by! Seems like we haven't stopped to breathe since we got back in April.

  3. We just returned on August 12 from 10 days in Grand Cayman! Our next trip in December is a Danube River cruise from Budapest, so no beaches for a while.

    Love your blog!

  4. Lovely Becky. 6 1/2 months till we're back on the beach. Hopefully a couple of small trips thrown in so time will move a bit faster!

  5. Kathy, Grand Cayman sounds wonderful! Thanks for commenting!

    Janet, the time will fly! Can't wait to get back myself!

  6. Beautiful photos. Would love to be there.

  7. Thanks Gypsy! Linda, hope you make it in April!

  8. I'll be back in December. Hope to find a decent flight this fall but so far they are too pricey. Only two trips this year - the least I've taken to Isla in 10 years... Makes me sad but your pictures make me smile! Helen

  9. I enjoyed the day at the beach. I am not there. I am here, in the highlands of Honduras, where rain is cooling us off. Thanks for the tour, as I felt I was there.

  10. Helen, hope to run into you again soon! I love December on the island.

    Hi Laurie! Hope things are going well in Honduras!

  11. Oh how these gorgeous pictures make me yearn for a tropical beach! I'm thinking our first beach will be somewhere in Maine, maybe Acadia NP or Bar Harbor for lobster, but tropical will have to be the Keys later this year...

  12. Hi Becky,

    Great blogspot. I came to your site because of references to Oswego, KS. My great-grandparents and grandparents lived there and my dad was born and raised there. I spent a couple weeks a summer in the 60’s in Oswego visiting my grandparents and thus could relate very well to many of your childhood / adolescent memories of the town.

    I would like to send you an e-mail commenting further on Oswego. If you would send me an e-mail I could bounce back. My address is

    Frank Deming

  13. Thanks Lynda! Hope you're enjoying your trip and I want to see some pics of those rocky Maine beaches. I made a trip up the Maine coast in September one year when my friends and I turned 50.

    Frank, I sent you an email and there's a real connection. My grandparents lived a block away and I remember playing with some Deming grandkids in the summer. Small world! Hope to hear from you again!

  14. You know this makes me so homesick I can hardly stand it!

  15. Hey Laura! Let's run away to Isla in September! I'd love to just pack the bags and go!
