Sunday, July 21, 2013

Another Wild Goose Chase

Increasingly we find ourselves running all over Tucson looking for needed items to feather our new nest.  So far we're scoring zero and coming up empty-handed.  Either that, or we can't seem to make a decision. Today was another one of those days.

I remembered a store in Tubac with very unique furniture, so we decided to take the short trip to look for a credenza we could use as an entertainment center in our living room.  After arriving in Tubac, we soon realized the town was pretty much shut for summer.  The snowbirds fly home and areas in the desert that rely on that population or tourists for business suffer in the hot months. Shops either close for the season or open on a summer schedule which evidently doesn't include Sunday.  La Cucaracha, the shop we came to see, was cerrado.  Oops!

Not only were the shops shut, my camera's battery died after the first few photos.  I used my trusty cellphone, always with me, to take the rest of the photos.  There's a reason they invented Instagram for editing cellphone pics.  It hides how bad the shots truly are!

Next trip I promise to pack a charged camera.  We head back to the Phoenix area tomorrow.  It's a momentous occasion!  The crown for my dental implant is ready to install.  Hopefully, this will be the final solution for a frustrating and rather expensive journey that started back in November 2011 in Mexico.

On a happy note, I found a cool pair of earrings in Tubac today to replace my misplaced jewelry.  I'm feeling rather discombobulated.  During the move, bags were divided into two categories -- rental and storage.  Somehow in the pandemonium,  the jewelry I'd packed for the next month ended up somewhere else.  I'm hoping it turns up when the pods are unloaded.  Oh well -- it's just stuff!


  1. All the pots and dishes are from Delores Hidalgo - a 30 minute ride from here. YOu MUSt COME TO San Miguel at some point.

    There's a fab store in Tucson that imports everything from the Patzcuaro area. I'll have to rack my brain to think of the name of it.
    Unique and wonderful furniture - some copper things etc. Let me think......the hotel I did is in Tucson - Hacienda del Sol on River Road. 99% of the furniture is from Mexico......I'm thinking!

  2. I'm seeing some stores in the Lost Barrio that look like they have lots of great imported furniture. Also saw one called Rustica. I'll keep you posted! Wish I could just skip on down to San Miguel to furnish my house!

  3. Beautiful pottery & other stuff! Wish I could find somewhere closer to get more Talavera. I went to a store in NYC but she was charging outrageous prices--to me not worth what the owner was asking!
    Hope you are having some fun days too!

  4. Ann, there's a shop with talavera around every corner here. You'd love it! I can't wait to go back to some of these places once I have the basics and start decorating. This stuff was not as plentiful in Phoenix.
