Saturday, June 8, 2013

Mama's Got a Brand New Rug!

Cue James Brown!  Papa may have a brand new bag, but Mama got a new rug.

For the life of me, I don't know why I wait until I'm selling a house to put on the finishing touches!  It happened last time when we lived in Bellevue, WA, but that house sold in 24 hours.  Phoenix ain't Seattle!  Too much land where they can just keep building.  So the staging and obsessing continues.

The restaurant tour also continues.  Last night was San Tan Brewery in old Chandler with friends.  We snarfed the pizzas so quickly, I forgot to snap a photo.   They also have a pineapple wheat beer served in a large cold mug with a huge slice of pineapple in it that everyone else was loving on.  I truly think I need to take up drinking again!

Craig, of course, already had the beer at home in his refrigerator collection.  He'll probably be bee-lining to the store today for a big pineapple to toss in his chilled mug.

Showing today at noon.  Cross your fingers and toes.


  1. I feel for you Becky. Keeping the house picture-perfect for real estate showings is a pain in the ***. The pineapple wheat beer looks interesting. Cheers L

  2. Lynda, I'm hoping the siege ends soon. Another showing at 11:30 a.m. tomorrow, so traffic is picking up! Pineapple beer seems weird to me, but Craig and our craft beer drinking friends all love it!

  3. Wait, for each showing you "have to" leave the house and go drink beer? And engage in gluttony from your fave restaurants? Where is the downside?

    And now that father's day is approaching and Michael is both rich and thoughtful, you could use his gift as an endowment toward The Merry Maids.

    You know you are overdoing it when you slice lemons and slip them over the rim of the pool!

  4. I love the new rug! It's nice and neutral and will fit nicely in a spot in the new house.

  5. drgeo, I've been told in some cities that sellers leave treats, like a carafe of coffee and croissants, for showings. I draw the line there. LOL Thanks jeanie. I bought it with the new house in mind.
