Sunday, June 23, 2013

Last Day Isla Photos

Sorry I've been too busy to post.  Busy with moving minutia.  Running back and forth from this home to that home, discovering mistakes in the new house, going to the mattresses to get it made right, waiting on a repairman to fix an electrical problem caused by the buyer's inspector (where's the steam shooting out of my ears symbol?), getting moving estimates, deciding what to sell and what to keep, packing -- the list goes on and on.

Here's something interesting.  We put some items on craigslist for the first time yesterday at 4:00 p.m.   Less than a minute after I clicked post, the calls began.  The funniest calls were related to the $35 mountain bike.  Could we drive the bike an hour to North Phoenix so a guy could look at it to see if he wanted to buy it?   Everything was loaded out the garage door by 8:00 p.m., and the only reason it took that long was because Craig spent an hour and a half helping a man recovering from a bad car accident learn the proper way to use the weight station.  It also had to be broken down and loaded into a truck.  

Yesterday when I was loading photos of the craigslist items from camera to laptop, I found some photos from our last morning on Isla Mujeres in April.  I'd forgotten the gorgeous view from our last breakfast at Bally Hoo!

Sun's comin' up got cakes on the griddle.

Actually no griddle at our place, so we walked to Bally Hoo for breakfast!  My BLTA baguette.

Craig's omelet.

Love the yellow Andrea M against the pale blue waters of the Caribe.

More gorgeous yellows and blues, but Mr. Pelican's really not a pretty bird.

Back to packing!  Three more weeks until we're down there.

Here's something funny we saw last week behind a model home in our new neighborhood.  The Jack Rabbit Lounge.  Hope he was just chillin' and not sick.