Monday, April 8, 2013

Uno, Dos, Tres, Quatro!

In honor of the four days left in our countdown, here are four photos taken from the April we spent on Isla Mujeres back in 2006!

Vendors used to display their colorful pareos under the palapas at Playa Lancheros for daytrippers to buy.

Remember these little guys who sang with their family on Hidalgo at night?

Looking forward to many sunrises just like this in four days!

The brothers back in the day playing at Picus.


  1. Enjoy! Some day we'll have to coordinate. I've never been to Isla!
    Cancun but that was in 1978........when there were 2 hotels.

  2. We hope to get to San Miguel sometime soon, but the ocean always seems to win. One of these days Babs!

  3. Looking forward to your realtime posts and photos as we will be arriving May 25th. Hope you have a great trip with no visits to the dr. or dentist!!!
    Karen in OH

  4. Thanks Karen! Hopefully, I can avoid broken crowns, sinus infections, and falling off bicycles! (But I'm taking the medicine cabinet with me!)
