Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Morning Walk

These rustic little chairs sell for 50 pesos at a house next to the Mango Cafe.

Colonia door.

If cats could talk, this one would be saying -- Seriously turista?  Get lost! 

Cool pot!

One of the fruit/vegetable stands in the colonia close to us.  We bought a papaya.

Some of you who know me well can guess where our walk ended.

Love this peek-a-boo view from the path up the cliff.

The pile's starting to grow!


  1. Your sea glass collection is growing. Love your photos.

  2. Hope you bought the chairs! They would make such great little places to set a pot with plants!

  3. Very very nice set of pics. Love the shells. A little girl gave me a shell today. She was at a Honduran beach this weekend.

  4. Thanks everyone! Babs, if only the chair would fit in the airline overhead bin! They would be adorable for potted plants!
