Friday, April 19, 2013

Isla Morning Meanderings

Early morning view of Picus.  I'd never noticed the colorful benches out front!


I take so many photos of this place, the guys watch for me now.  At first he posed with his t-shirt pulled up  mankini style, then flashed the rabbit ears!  

Here's an unusual piece of flotsam/jetsam we noticed on our morning seaglass hunt!  Did it wash ashore?

I haven't eaten here yet, but I've been told I should try it!

Waiting for fares.

Colorful casa on Juarez.  Love the two-toned gate and flowers on the door!

Early morning solitude at the Posada del Mar beach.

The best kind of morning meandering takes you to Barlito!  Craig had a panini with scrambled eggs, chorizo, and queso.

By the way, wish Craig a Happy Birthday today if you see him!