Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Rock

Sometimes simple is best.  One of the most economical rooms we stay in on the island is one of my favorites.  The Rocamar.

Here's what I'm talking about!

The sound of the waves!  They lull me into deep relaxation and sleep.

The sensational sunrise views.

The infinity view!  While the balconies might not appear to be private since they overlook the malecon, people walking past rarely look up.  And they can't see you on the third floor when you're sitting in your comfortable chair.

I love the people watching opportunities.  Tell me what's wrong with this picture.

Here's the answer.  Busted!

I'm totally missing my hammock time.


  1. Becky, we've never stayed at Rocamar. It looks like we should really look into this place. I love staying on the Caribbean side with the sound of the waves, like you, and that wonderful breeze. Thanks for the "tip"!

  2. Janet, the rooms had actually been redone again since I stayed there in November 2009. And they had brand new beds, little carved wood end tables with lamps, brand new sofas in the open lobby area, etc... I regret now that I didn't take any photos inside the room.

  3. Plus they are hurricane proof!

  4. Yes, drgeo! Hurricane proof! The staff was the same, but I don't really think anyone recognized me as 'that' woman. Ha!

  5. The golf cart.....grrrrr! Drives me nuts. But they get just beyond Caribbean Casa and.....oops, no way to keep going. HA!

  6. Jan, we'd see at least one golfcart a day on the malecon from our Rocamar balcony -- sometimes two -- and we weren't sitting there all day to count. Craig told a few of them when he was walking on the malecon that it was a pedestrian walkway. They'd laugh and keep going. We have the same problem here at home with kids driving golfcarts on sidewalks, motorcycles and cars going around barriers to use walking paths, etc...
