Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Best of 2012!

I had big plans to end 2012 with a drum roll and a grand post featuring my favorite photos from every month of the year.  You know what they say about best laid plans!  Instead, I give you the Best of 2012 collage.  Ta daaaa!  Better late than never!

2012 was a great year overall with trips to Belize, Isla Mujeres, Akumal, New Mexico, Kansas, and some local sidetrips in Arizona. Saby even got to ride along in July and August!  We're always looking for that new paradise, but I have to say, Isla Mujeres is still in first place!


We're temporarily marooned, but just like Willy, we can't wait to get On the Road Again.  Happy Travels in 2013!


  1. Hopefully for both of us, 2013 will be a great year!

  2. I agree with your collage that packing Craig and Saby along on an adventure makes it much more fun! Take care of them both.
