Saturday, January 12, 2013

El Fruto de la Vida

What do I miss most about Isla Mujeres when I'm not there?  Warm sand, gorgeous pale turquoise saltwater, the sound of crashing waves, friendly people, the charm of fishing village life, fantastic food, peace and tranquility, quaint colorful streets, the simplicity of life -- all those top the list.  But I can't forget my morning C -- the fruit of life.  It's easy, cheap, and a lot more effective than a multi-vitamin.

We often buy our juice from a little shop on Juarez, but this man's an Isla icon, selling fresh-squeezed orange juice from a cart on one of the side streets off Medina.

I'd never noticed this man before, but he's carrying packaged fruit spears in a Coca-Cola crate on his head.

Fruits plates are also cheap at the mercado.  I'm assuming I ordered this one at the Poc Chuc stall -- the third one in from the street.

Fruit can also be purchased from stalls inside the mercado.

This lady's also an Isla icon, selling her fruits and vegetables on a Juarez corner in El Centro.

I think I'll cut up a grapefruit this morning.  We picked almost all our Ruby Red's off the tree in our side yard yesterday because we're in the midst of a Phoenix freeze.  The entire contents of my linen closet, along with some burlap and anything else we could find, are draped over the trees and shrubs in our yard.  The siege is supposed to last for at least four nights.  I hate it when this happens!


  1. Sorry about the freeze--I saw the snow in LA--weird! It's so warm ( 50's maybe) the fog is awful!

  2. I also love the fresh grapefruit juice is the best.
    Glad to read your last post of Isla's good points...agree. and agree on those irritating other pesky issues.
    Love your fruit pics...refreshing!

  3. Ann, I'm not looking forward to the aftermath in our landscaping. Lots of cutting shrubs back to the ground and replanting. Oh well. At least it didn't snow in the metro area. That happened back in 2006.

    Kris, hope you're into relaxation mode on Isla now!
