Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tiny Bullfighters

The bullfighters of small stature are back on the island for their annual show. We're not on Isla Mujeres now (wish we still were!), but I thought I'd post the rerun video from last year.

Our group misread the poster and arrived hours early for the event. The parade through town on horseback must have started in El Centro at 3:30 p.m., but all of us were sitting in the beer garden out front of the arena at that time waiting for something to happen. Long story short, by the time the event actually started with a parade of horses and many speeches by politicos, muchas cervezas had been consumed (by the audience and the men on horseback). The combination of lots of Sol and no banos meant that most of our group left long before the bullfighters started their act around 6:30 p.m. So if you go, be forewarned that there may not be any banos. Dehydrate yourselves accordingly! 

 Here's the short video clip, and yes, that's me screaming and cackling in the background.

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