Thursday, November 22, 2012

Feliz Día del Pavo!

Yes, it's the day when we Americans celebrate pavo.  We're planning on having pavo with all the trimmings with friends at Qubano this evening.

The weather's been breezy and wonderful!  We moved to a new location yesterday and lots of you will recognize this place.

Craig's amazed at how loud the surf is in this location and I told him to try it in a hurricane!  Tee hee. 

I made a slideshow of all my photos from Dia de La Revolution, but haven't been able to get it to upload to YouTube properly, so I'll just post some photos of the parade for now.  I have to say it was the best parade I've seen in Mexico!

Viva Mexico!  Happy Thanksgiving Day to all our friends and family!


  1. Viva Zapata! And zapatos!

  2. Oh gosh, those little ones are sooo cute!

  3. These pictures are great--I love all the kids in their costumes!

  4. Those are awesome photos, esp of the kids. wow! I must see that someday.
    Thanks. I once had Thanksgiving on Isla...a bit odd. but Qubano's--can't miss. We did da Luisa...also good.
