Monday, October 22, 2012

Isla Food Porn Blowout

 As always, we ate with wild abandon on our June 2012 trip to Isla Mujeres.  I didn't come home with the usual number of food photos because we dined with friends quite a few meals.  When that happens, I get engrossed in conversation and just forget to pull out the camera.  I'm also hesitant because I'm sure acquaintances think it's  weird when I insist on photographing the food.

I often read posts on message boards where visitors choose A.I. options when visiting the island and eat all their meals onsite.  I wonder if it's fear of eating outside the hotel?  It's a shame because the restaurant choices and local food on Isla are outstanding.  If there's any doubt as to whether the food on Isla Mujeres is safe to eat, I can honestly say I've never experienced a food-borne illness in the ten plus years we've habitually traveled to the island.

I should play the name that plate game with readers, but this sampling wouldn't be a challenge for frequent visitors.

A cazuela and omelet from M & J's Cazuela.

The Shrimp/Avocado Salad from JAX.

A BLT Avocado Bagel and Mexicana Omelet from Bally Hoo.

Mojito and guacamole at El Veradero.  A usually avoid alcohol, but those mojitos are good!

I will play name that plate with readers here.  These are dishes from Basto's and for the life of me, I can't remember what the dishes are called.  I think the plate above is an huarache de arrachera.  The dish below eludes me. Anyone know?

Watermelon liquadas and a gorgeous burrito at the Mango Cafe!

Both of these tasty selections are from Monchi's.  Once again, I need someone to name that plate because I always struggle with the menu there. Ramon has to translate when we order. 

The fruit plate and Huevos Mexicana from Alex and Giovanni.  Great way to start the day!

The Hawaiian Burger and fries from JAX.  Craig and I split it because it's huge and muy tasty!

I almost needed a phone a friend with this plate.  Then I realized it's the breakfast tacos from JAX.  A friend wanted to eat breakfast there, and we'll definitely make a repeat visit on our next trip!  They were so good!

 Fish tacos and a shrimp cocktail at Bally Hoo!

Two huge platters of fish and fixin's from Victor's Havana Cafe on Juarez.  We dined on the malecon that night!  I dream about that fish!

A Philly Steak Sandwich at Bahia Tortuga!  I ordered a hamburger and it was also delish!

Vivian's watermelon liquada at Qubano on Hidalgo.

The Cobb and Vivian's Salad at Qubano.  Those are fried goat cheese croutons on top the salad below and they are to die for!  Vivian's now open for lunch and dinner at the new location!

Enchilada Suizas at La Lomita on Juarez.  OMG!  I ate it and I felt guilty afterwards, but I'm sure I'll do it again -- many times.

This wonderful Mediterranean fish dish on couscous is from Comonos.  Yum!

We ate all this and so much more on our last trip.  Fredy's was closed, so I missed his baked shrimp.  I forgot to take pictures when we ate at Mama Rosa's, Brisas Grill, Barlito, and some of our other usual haunts.  

Right now my stomach is growling!  What to eat . . . what to eat!  I haven't started a countdown yet, but we'll be back again soon!  



  1. Gosh, next time you could buy some food for Craig too!

  2. Oh Becky you started my stomach growling! You covered so many of our favorite places, but different dishes than I usually get, definately some new ones to try. I am really excited to try Victor's on our next trip, your meal looked outstanding. Thanks for all the wonderful pictures.

  3. YUM! Great pics on the blog, Becky. Cheers Lynda

  4. You are so mean! :)

    I recognized most of the dishes but spotted a few that I must try on our next trip!

    Off to find some less than interesting breakfast now!

  5. Great post! I'm going back in 113 days (February 14th).

    I'm already drooling over the food. I had a fried red snapper on Hildago last time that I can't wait to have again.

    Gloria in Virginia

  6. Ok, I'm heading upstairs to make some lunch. YOU made me hungry! Come visit San Miguel some time - they say we have 234 restaurants - most delicious. Very few expensive.
    What does a burrito cost in Isla?
    In Playa it was 150 pesos - I nearly fainted.

  7. Babs, burrito prices are all over the map. You can get a gourmet type burrito accompanied by sides on Hidalgo at Dopi's for well under 100 pesos, but we paid over 100 pesos in the colonias at three different places. That to me is a little ironic since it's away from the main tourist area. Burritos are cheaper here in the U.S. I just had a very tasty burrito topped with enchilada sauce and cheese accompanied by rice for $5.99 at Serrano's in Chandler. And it was excellent! Actually, we usually eat out cheaper here at home than we do on Isla.

    Thanks for the comments everyone! (I'm hungry again.)

  8. And Babs, we do need to come to San Miguel! (Do you think there's any chance they'll install a beach? Tee hee.) But seriously, I'd love to see that area.

  9. well, this is just a delightful post!
    The food speaks to hungry people.
    here is the copy of the body of an email I sent just now to Jane Bauer, the owner and publisher of Huatulco Eye magazine in Huatulco.
    She and her husband also own 3 restaurants, Hemingways, Aye Caray, and Cafe Juanita's plus a rental villa.
    Good job

  10. ooops! left out the body of the email.
    Jane, these photos of mexican food on this woman's blog are so explicit that they don't need recipes....they shout their ingredients and it could serve as inspiration to restrauteurs all around Huatulco to "up their game" a bit. WE"RE HUNGRY!
    She and her husband are over in Isla Mujeres.....but....we're all hungry for attractive and flavorful food.
    The season is almost here!!!

  11. That's great Jim! I'll have to include more food photos from past trips. I didn't actually take many in June.

  12. It's settled, we're going back to Isla!
