Monday, October 29, 2012

A Bug's Life

If you've read my blog for a few years, you realize I'm obsessed with taking photos of Volkswagen Beetles, especially in Mexico.  I even have an exasperating newer generation VW Beetle convertible in my garage.  We call it the money pit, but that's another blog post. 

Check out this cool video of the Vochol Beetle decorated by Huichols.  This Wikipedia link gives more background on the project. 

Wouldn't I love to have this fabulous Beetle!  Here are a few more pics of Isla Beetles taken over the years.

Red bug on Juarez.

Town crier.

He must have run the wheels off this one!

Nice paint job!

Zebra stripes!

Cow theme?

Love this chartreuse beauty!

This one has a trash bag roof?  Must be covering a sunroof.

                                                                              Dolphin Discovery Mobile

And here's a vintage Bug from the liberal enclave of Bisbee, Arizona.   If that was left sitting on a street around here, I shudder to think what would happen to it!


  1. LOVE the Volchol Beetle. That is fabulous...thanks! We had a Beetle in 1970, and with some modest stripes! I miss it, but it was in a fender bender near university in Madison, WI. :( very cool car... I want another one!

  2. Wow - that Huichol beetle is unbelievable! I love Huichol art and have a (very) small collection - will get more with more trips. Western Mexico if better of course for it but I did buy a piece on Isla.


  3. like to photograph mexican volkswagons. That is a sign of an evolved intellect in my humble opinion. It makes me happy.
    I tend to snap pics of "things" but ube ube dobles make me dream...bought one for $350 us in Luxemborg in 74...drove it 25,000 miles through most of western europe...and sold it to a nice...and I mean nice....american girl in Ivrea Italy for the exact price I paid for it!
