Sunday, August 19, 2012

How Does Your Garden Grow?

I managed to photograph a lot of gardens on our morning walks around town.  The growing climate in Bisbee, located at over 5,000 feet, is much more forgiving for fruits, flowers, and vegetables than the extreme heat of Phoenix.

Mexican birds of paradise.

Gorgeous courtyard.

Garden behind an old iron fence.

Flower garden next door.

A hot pink rose!

A large sunflower.  See the orange Monarch on the orange flower?

Butterfly bush up the lane.  I missed getting a photo of the a yellow butterfly on one of the blooms.

Are these giant dahlia's?

Bathtub planter box.

Cottage planter boxes with geraniums and petunias.

Wild dill grows all over the hills of Bisbee.

I can't show all these gardens without slipping in a bug!  This ornate cicada (locust?) was on the door of one of my favorite shops.  It took me a minute to realize it wasn't fake. 

The secret garden.

Lantana growing wild along the side of one of Bisbee's many stairways.

Morning glories behind the house where we stayed.


  1. I could have lived without that horrific looking bug. And what do people think when they use bath fixtures for planters...really? "No, dear, I promise...the toilet will look great in the yard with some flowers!" Everything else is beautiful...Bisbee looks like a great place.

  2. Deb, I should have included the bench made out of the outhouse seats for you! LOL! It's funky town!

  3. That bug has teeth!!! I'm still a little sensitive after last night. LOL
