Friday, July 27, 2012

South End Spin

Our main form of recreation the last four or five days of our June Isla trip was riding in the golf cart.  (Mainly because I was sick and didn't feel like walking anywhere or going to the beach.)  Every afternoon, we'd take a spin out around the south end of the island. And sometimes Craig would find the brake pedal on the cart and I would snap a few photos.  (He doesn't like to stop for pictures.)

The battle of the iguanas -- fake vs. real. 

 Proud Mayan warrior.

 She's ever so tempting with those chi chi's, but please don't climb her.

Rules aren't really made to be broken because it's a steep  fall over that wall.

Does this boat ever move?  I can remember when this was a great spot to take photos.  I should search back through my photos and do a yearly progression of the ruin.

The zip towers at Garrafon.

Look at that fancy umbrella!  These kids were walking with mom in front of Guadalupana.

Guy with a furniture delivery enjoying the view at Garrafon.


The Caribbean Village at Punta Sur.

View through a hole in the hedge.


It gets harder every year to take a decent shot of the Shellhouse.

 Man the guns!  I think I've mentioned before we call this the turret house.  I don't know why.

Cancun in the distance -- just where I like it!

My chauffeur!


  1. Great tour of part of Punta Sur! I really want to get a golf cart for a week on our next trip--it would make such a difference in what we do!

  2. Ann, I think it makes a tremendous difference, especially in the hot summer months. It's much cooler riding on a cart than walking in the jungle heat. Sometimes in the past when we've stayed in El Centro, we've never ventured south of the Soggy Peso.

  3. I loved the pictures. The post definitely cheered me this morning with the bright, sharp images. Thanks.

  4. Fun tour of spots I know well...I vote for the real iguana...hate that oversized fake..also got a photo of it this trip. Love that old boat framed in ruins-one does get used to it being there...
    Love my golf cart rides too :=) k
