Monday, July 23, 2012

Desperately Seeking Beach Chill Pill

We're in need of a gigantic beach chill pill after our roadtrip to and from Kansas, but some photos of  Playa Norte will have to do.  By the way, that photo above is not mine, but the quote's one of my favorites!

Before our cross country gruel with the shedding dog in the backseat (and front seat), we were considering a long drive up the West Coast in August, but that option doesn't sound very relaxing now.

After a passing comment from a friend on the Fourth of July, we're wondering about a drive south of the border to Puerto Penasco.  We've never taken the car into Mexico, so we're a little reluctant.  Recent reports I've read sound like the Mexican government has pretty much locked down the road from the Lukeville border crossing south to the Rocky Point area to ensure it's safe for travelers. We're thinking a week in an oceanfront condo on the Sea of Cortez might be an interesting option, especially compared to the prices we'd pay for less desirable coastal lodging in California, Oregon, and Washington.  Not to mention the Pacific Ocean to points north is too cold for swimming!

For now, I'll get back to posting Isla Mujeres photos from our June trip.

A photo from one of my favorite spots on Playa Norte.

The lounger lineup early morning in front of Ixchel.

The Bienvenidos hut.

Cue the yell.  Tarzan's actually a very nice guy.  He greets us every time we pass carrying our beach chairs.

Maria making her daily rounds.  We always give her a little extra for a Coca-Cola.

If any readers have advice on border crossings from Arizona to Rocky Point or other Sea of Cortez destinations south, I'd love to hear your recent experiences.   I think we just need to put on our big girl/big boy panties and give it a try!  A friend also mentioned that there are shuttles running from Phoenix to Rocky Point, so that or driving in a caravan would be another option.  I know it won't look like Playa Norte, but any beach five hours from here is worth exploring (if the trip's safe).

To paraphrase Mark Twain, I might be disappointed if I don't sail away from safe harbor and give it a try!



  1. We've traveled extensively in Mexico, including Puerto Penasco, and would highly recommend. Plus that is a popular route with travelers stopping at Organ Pipe Cactus NM and crossing at Lukeville.

  2. Thanks! Sounds easy enough. I think we just need to do it. I know our friends are also interested, so maybe we could caravan down there in two cars the first time since we'd probably be staying longer than they would. Baby steps!

  3. Sounds like a plan--we had hoped to go to MX in Nov but so far ticket prices are outrageous!

  4. We were thinking about Costa Rica or Roatan and the flights jumped up $400 before I could decide. All the Sea of Cortez would cost us in transportation is 5 hours worth of gas. And there aren't any change fees if we decide we want to go home earlier or later. Worth investigating!

  5. Can Saby go? Will she have sun screen?

  6. drgeo, Saby lost her tiny sombrero, so she won't be able to make the trip.
