Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Backseat Driver

We put Kansas in the rearview mirror this morning and headed home to Arizona.

Saby seems to be happy about that!  She started out this morning in the backseat.

Soon she crept forward visiting between the two front seats.

Next, we saw the snout and tongue hanging over the driver's seat.

 Yep, she's a backseat driver!

We're in Albuquerque tonight.  We made our annual trip to Jackalope and dined at Church Street Cafe in Old Town on their amazing pork tamales with red and green chili sauce.  We leave tomorrow morning on the final leg of the trip.  I've been clicking my heels for a week and can't wait to get home!

 We're being treated to some amazing monsoon lightning and rain in Albuquerque tonight!  Hope the rain follows us home to Arizona.


  1. Glad it was a productive trip! I know it's not an easy thing to do, but better to do it now!

  2. Try the breakfast burritos at The Frontier across from the UNM campus! The typical breakfast also includes coffee, OJ, and a cinnamon roll. Or Garcias Kitchen is also local and delicious.

  3. drgeo, we were out Thursday morning before they opened!

    Ann, so glad it's done. It was like moving all over again. Craig and I want to downsize sometime in the near future, but we're not so sure now. It's a lot of work!
