Friday, June 22, 2012

The Best Part of Waking Up

I was actually up before sunrise this morning because of heat.  In the Valley of the Sun,  you have to be an early bird to work in any kind of outdoor exercise.  Pumping my bike around the main circle in the neighborhood, I was blinded by the big orange ball.  Well, not really, since I had on my sunglasses.   If I'd had a camera, I would have snapped a photo, but I think sunrise photos are best taken in the tropics from waterfront locations.  At least that's one of my excuses for the tropical trips we take.


For the first week of our vacation, Isla was experiencing what I call June Gloom.  A heavy marine layer most mornings kept the sunrises at bay, but the second week was worth the wait!


  1. These are great photos! A few days ago Alan said maybe we'd go to Isla in July! Somehow I doubt it, but maybe this fall!

  2. Siri, take a photo at 6 am, 7 am, and 8 am. Show them when the alarm goes off at 9 am.

  3. What camera do you have that has HDR? I want to try it, but using the software looks like a lot of work so a camera with HDR mode would be ideal!

  4. What camera do you have that has HDR? I want to try it, but using the software looks like a lot of work so a camera with HDR mode would be ideal!

  5. Ann, July sounds like fun! drgeo, my problem is I always wake up early for the sunrise if I'm staying on the Caribe side. Unfortunately, early to rise means I'm often in bed when other people are partying.

    martyu, I bought a Kodak Z990 a few months ago when the price got so low I couldn't resist. I think it dropped to $179 at Sam's shortly after Kodak declared bankruptcy. It has a 30x wide angle lens and a lot of those automatic settings. I also still use the simple Lumix point and shoot that I've had for several years. Picasa is great for free quick editing software, and the edited photos can be automatically synced to a Picasa Web account. Some of the HD shots on my blog -- like the clothesline -- were taken with the Lumix and edited with the Picasa options.

  6. Thanks! I really like the HDR effect, but want it an easy way (Lazy!).
