Tuesday, May 1, 2012

In Countdown Mode

Well . . . almost!

Looking at the calendar today, I realized that the only thing standing between me and my favorite island is May.  May Day . . .  May Day . . .  we have a countdown!  I've got plenty to keep me busy for the next month, including a visit from our son and a Mother's Day trip to Kansas City, so I'm hoping the month of Mayo will fly by quickly and soon I'll be sleeping to the sound of the waves!

I pulled a few favorite Isla photos out of the clouds for your viewing pleasure.  

 Right now, I feel a little like a beached mermaid locked on dry land.

 I can't wait to get back to my favorite spot on Playa Norte!


  1. At least you're headed back soon--the July trip that friends are planning is looking better & better!

  2. Yea!!! Hopefully we'll be seeing you soon, 5 weeks for us. Beautiful pictures as always Becky!

  3. Janet, we'll be looking for you and Cal! Ann, July sounds good too! The only time of year I'm really not fond of is January/February because I don't like the water temp. (But I'm perfectly willing to go anytime of the year!)
