Saturday, May 12, 2012

Hurricane Delay -- October 2005

And then there was the trip that never was.

The saga continues.  My solo trip to Isla Mujeres in October 2004 emboldened me.  Riding the bike round the island on that trip, I noticed a new home being built at the south end of the airport strip.  I made a mental note to watch the rental sites to see if the home became available as a vacation rental.

Sure enough!  In the summer of 2005, browsing Isla Beckons, I noticed Casa Luna Turquesa.  It looked beautiful, and the rental rates were extremely reasonable.  The wheels in my brain started spinning!

I found another flight with our mileage points and booked a month in the upstairs studio at Luna Turquesa beginning October 23, 2005.  Four glorious weeks!  I was so excited!  Looking back on it, I can't remember now if Craig was going to join me for part of the time or not, but another friend made plans to stay in the other studio during my month.

I packed my bags two weeks in advance. Then Wilma appeared and began to intensify.  Fingers and toes crossed, I waited.  And as most people know who frequent the island, Wilma made landfall in the Yucatan on Friday, October 21, working her way into the Cancun area where she sat and churned for three days right on top of Isla. 

Like most Isla lovers, I was glued to the computer at home waiting for news from the island.  My bags were packed and I thought I'd be boarding a flight on Sunday morning.  By Friday evening, I knew my flight would not be landing in Cancun anytime soon.

Itching to return to the island, I made plans.  Stay tuned for one of my favorite trips to the island -- December 2005.

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