Friday, April 27, 2012


I thought I'd end the week with a tranquil scene.  Life's been a series of minor debacles lately, from the supposedly fixed brakes that still squeak and groan after two trips to the repair shop to the multiple trips to the optometrist to try and troubleshoot my new prescription sunglasses that blurrrrrrrrr my vision.  (And now I get to wait three more weeks for glasses that took three weeks to get the first time.  Aaargh!)  Yesterday the big-ass fridge in the kitchen whimsically quit dispensing ice.  Craig and I both fiddled with it for hours trying to kick start the thing.  Just as I was about to call the repairman this morning, it started spewing crushed ice again.  I think my life's infected with gremlins!

In addition, we've spent the last few weeks car shopping.  If that's not enough to scramble one's brain, I'm not sure what is!  (Fortunately, I think we're done with that deal.)

Wish I could sit on this dock tonight and gaze at the tropical scenery!  Maybe swill down a rum punch and float in the warm seawater?

Happy Weekend!


  1. getting glasses is one of the worst things to do. I have taken back sunglasses to be remade several times & finally gave up! My glasses are pretty expensive, too. I now get fit over sunglasses--can have several pairs ( could get lots for what my prescriptions cost) favorites are Cocoons that I got at Cabelas.

  2. Ann, we usually get our glasses at Costco. This year we have vision insurance, so we went to a nearby optometrist. It's one of the new offices where they have an obnoxious optical guy who upsells everything. Our insurance picked up almost the entire cost, and the lenses, etc... were supposed to be SO superior to what they termed the 'old school black and white' technology of Costco glasses. We've never waited that long for glasses anywhere, and they were just wrong. Not to mention last Saturday, I waited over an hour for my recheck appointment. Hopefully, they'll be correct when I get them back. (But we'll find a new optometrist under our vision plan next year -- one whose not trying to reinvent the wheel and make the customers pay for it. LOL)

  3. I gave up on Rx sunglasses and now prefer soft contacts with civilian sunglasses off the rack. I never wear soft contacts except behind swimming and snorkeling goggles. I hate blindness while swimming! Like Ann I slap on clip ons in the car.

    I hope you noticed the App before sealing the deal on the new car. Helpful to view "average" local prices so you can wait until last third of month and help salesperson meet their quota with below average priced vehicle!

  4. drgeo, Craig did all the homework. Thank God, because I'd definitely prefer the root canal to dealing with cars. He had his own system that involved comparing dealerships' internet pricing with the price from walking in off the street. The internet deal definitely won out and was much better than average pricing for the area listed on those sites. We're not sure if the end of the month made a difference or not, but the phone is still ringing off the hook. So they're hungry.

    And soft contacts? I tried them years ago and my eyes are too dry. They sucked onto my eyeballs and the drops seemed to do no good at all. I'm waiting for the cataracts to be bad enough so I get all new lenses installed! The beauty of swimming blind is that you'll never see the great white coming. LOL
