Friday, April 13, 2012

Island Gardens

Before we head outdoors to start whacking back the tropical plants in our yard today, I thought I'd post some Friday fotos of the lush Belizean flora taken on Ambergris Caye and Caye Caulker in February.


  1. Love the reddish stalks in a few of the photos (#3) and the boat with something growing in it! I love growing things & if I had unlimited funds would probably have a showplace garden! At least I have grand ideas!

  2. white picket fence vs. corrugated tin, as edging material...nice mix! k

  3. Hello,

    I’m writing on behalf of the visual editor for to request
    your permission to use one of your photos on the site. The photo nicely
    illustrates a topic we’re writing about. HouseLogic, published by the
    National Association of Realtors®, covers home ownership-related topics.

    Specifically, we’d like with your permission to use
    in connection with a blog post on Earth Day.

    The image may also appear as a link back to that blog post in
    such places as our email newsletter, social media, marketing, companion
    site for REALTORS®, and web site home page. The use may require that we
    resize the image to fit the size constraints of our website.

    We’re asking you to grant the National Association the non-exclusive,
    royalty-free right to use the image as described above for as long as the
    topic is included on the HouseLogic site. We would include a credit to
    you in the caption accompanying the image in its primary location on
    HouseLogic. If you would like we could also link that credit to your

    If you approve, please respond to this email confirming that you own the
    image rights, have the authority to grant to the National Association
    permission to use the image as described, and grant that permission.
    Please also let us know how you would prefer to be named in the credit.
    My deadline is today, and I would prefer a response right
    away, if possible.

    Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.



    Ryan Haydon
    Assistant multimedia producer, HouseLogic

  4. Ryan, that is fine. You have my permission. The photo was taken by me, so no further permissions would be necessary. I apologize because I don't check the email associated with this blog very often! I sent you an email to the address listed in your comment!

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