Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Life in the Slow Lane

 We've moved north of the bridge this week to a location that is definitely more chill!  We're using bikes as transportation and enjoying the solitude.  Life in the hammock!  My internet connection unfortunately is very weak, so I'm braving the wicked mosquitoes to be online. 

This morning, we got on the bikes and headed south of the bridge to stock up on some groceries.  This guy was pulling this heavily loaded wagon up over the bridge that divides North Ambergris from the rest of the island.

I spotted this sign on the bumpy sand road back to our little cabana.  I think it epitomizes life in the slow lane!

We're about 2 1/2 miles north of the bridge.  We usually ride back on the beach path, but wanted to check out the road this morning!

View from the dinner table last night.

The morning view from the neighborhood smoothie bar! Life is good!


  1. Wow, what gorgeous views. Thank you for taking us along on this trip, Becky!

  2. Gosh, the country has roving herds of Chihuahuas clogging the main arteries. I always wondered where those dogs came from. Forest dwellers?

  3. They place heavy marine rope across the road for speed bumps. Every time I cross one, the rusty kickstand on my bike falls down. I'll have to take a photo of the speed bumps. Ha!

  4. How do you like this place compared to Isla? Is there another place with as many good things as Isla?

  5. Anon, sorry I missed your comment earlier. Ambergris is a nice change, but it doesn't have a Playa Norte like Isla Mujeres. Most beaches have turtle grass and most of the swimming is done off docks. It's a great place for scuba, snorkeling, and just lying in the hammock. Our other love is Kauai. Beautiful beaches and great snorkeling right off the beach, but it's pricier and a longer plane ride!
