Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Soggy Walk

No, on the afternoon of Thursday, December 8, we didn't take a walk in the rain.   We decided to walk to the Soggy Peso for one of those Soggy Cheeseburgers in Paradise!  We figured the walk might help burn off some of the burger.

I snapped some photos along Medina as we were walking north from our location mid-island.

Another iguana crossing sign in front of the orange Navy base.  I call it the orange base to distinguish it from the Naval installation in El Centro.

One of the many small tiendas in the colonias.

 I think this is a sex education sign for teenagers.  No mas!!! 

And guess what sits just down the road from the No Mas sign?  I decided to do an Geraldo style expose and step behind the hedges for the shot.  It felt kind of creepy, but fortunately, it was vacant in the early afternoon.  The notorious Casa Blanca!  Actually, it has a blue door, but I wouldn't call it quaint.

We were so relieved after our long walk to arrive at our destination and find the Cheeseburger in Paradise sign on display!  Thursday's are cheeseburgers!  I think if the sign's out, the Soggy Peso is ready to roll.

There's Craig at the bar awaiting his cheeseburger.  We met some very interesting travelers this particular Thursday.  They'd flown into Cancun and chartered a sailboat to take them up and down the coast to ports north and south.  They'd already been to Holbox, Isla Blanca, and some other selected ports.  Their boat was conveniently parked next door.  Last June at the Soggy, we met a young couple with a dog named Beef who were living on their sailboat next door, then heading to ports south to weather hurricane season.  I get motion sickness and dread boats, but I'm fascinated by sailors!  (I know that sounds a little kinky, but you know what I mean.)

And here's Soggy Iguana lurking right on the step below the bar.  I doubt he ever ventures out to the road where he could get squashed!

I can't remember if this was the second or third Soggy Cheeseburger of the trip.  In addition to the mouth-watering cheeseburger, take note of the pickle.  I swear it tastes just like the pickles they used to sell at movie theaters when I was a kid. Love the cheeseburger -- love the pickle!

 Mr. Bo still lurks above the bar.  Ha!

I'd love to brag that we walked all the way home and arrived just in time for sunset from the roof, but we actually hopped a ride with our new friend Bev on her cart to Chedraui.  (And I'll admit to grabbing a cab home from there.)

But it was a great afternoon at the Soggy!


  1. The photo essay about Chedraui is for another installment? Apparently your photo of the "white house" has gotten you banned from Facebook! Uh-oh!

  2. drgeo, I actually do have photos inside the Chedraui that I've been meaning to post! HA! And yes, I think it's the torrid Casa Blanca photo that Facebook is concerned about!

  3. Our golf cart ran out of gas right in front of Casa Blanca years ago late at night. I was a little worried. We hitched a ride into town with some teenagers in a golf cart. 'No Mas'. LOL. I have sooo many comments for that.

  4. Excellent images as always! Very colourful.

  5. I was guessing the "no mas" referred to hitting by a boyfriend.

  6. From our roof, Casa Blanca looks it's always Christmas there. It is across the lake/across the isle, and I didn't realize that is what is was for a long time. It's brightly lit up.

  7. Who's Mr. Bo? LOL. The sunset picture reminded me of my childhood. When I was young, I used to play with my favorite kite on the roof with my cousin Vahn until sunset. After that, we told stories about our dreams while looking at the sun.

  8. Nuri, sorry I'm way late answering your question. Mr. Bo is a guy from Texas who lived on the island for awhile and frequented the message boards. Love your story of watching the sunset and telling your dreams. Hope they came true!
