Thursday, January 19, 2012

Cheaper than K-Mart!

Last summer a friend called and asked me to come look at a piece of furniture she needed to get rid of quickly. She took me to one of the back bedrooms and showed me an old family desk that she'd kept through the years.  It was shockingly ugly with some kind of murky finish from one of those antiquing kits that people used in the 70's.   Truthfully, I had no interest in it but didn't want to insult her.  So I called Craig to haul it to our garage. Like so many people in the Phoenix area, she was in the middle of one of those sad moves, and I thought getting that heavy piece out of there might help ease the pain.

After staring at that beast in the garage for months, I finally noticed that it had some redeeming features. I actually love the style and hardware. It suddenly dawned on me that it might look fantastic in my living room with a coat of white shabby chic paint.

I spent three hours yesterday with a leftover can of white paint and here we have the finished product. Cheaper than K-Mart since it didn't cost me one thin dime!

I'm already filling all those drawers with jewelry beads and supplies. Maybe I'll save a couple of drawers for seaglass!

And speaking of all things beachy, Craig was cleaning the garage last week and unearthed a bag that had never made it into the house.

Some beach -- somewhere.  I'm guessing these shells are from Southern California. Wherever I go, there I am.  Back at the beach.  Very deep.  Ha!


  1. I have noticed a real change in your photograqphic style over the last several months - have you changed cameras or software? Very nice work!

  2. Thanks A.J.! I'm still using the same Lumix point and shoot camera, but I've probably been using more lately to edit photos.

  3. The desk looks great redone! Isn't it fun to uncover a hidden bag of glass or shells ? I did a month or so ago--know that it was from Isla, but not sure how long ago!

  4. Thanks Ann! I need to clean my closet today. Maybe I'll find the missing sand dollars from the Oregon Coast!
