Saturday, December 10, 2011

Six Pack Saturday

I'm looking out my window and this could be a fantastic beach day!  I was getting a little nutty after three more Norte days.  Keep your fingers crossed because I need a good swim before I leave for home!

Be it ever so humble, it's got a lot of Christmas spirit!

Who can resist a lavender door!

Gorgeous blooms!

My favorite neighborhood casa!  Can I have the Bug?

They've got Sol.

Sometimes I just can't resist a hot mess!


  1. Love this post and the pictures are awesome. That bug is fantastic, the color and the white interior..sweet!

  2. I loved the Sol sign, and had to LOL about the hot mess. I was looking so closely at the bikes that I almost missed the toilet!

  3. Nancy, it was on the sidewalk right next to Qubano. I guess I should start taking photos of abandoned toilets instead of clotheslines! : ) Laura, I so wish I'd bought that color of Bug!

  4. The broken down bikes by the toilet... to funny!!!

