Saturday, December 17, 2011

It Only Goes in Reverse!

Isla Mujeres seems to be an epicenter for crazy cars.  Whether it's invention born out of necessity, or just island flair, the island's a great place to snap photos of the many ways motors can be attached to wheels to provide transportation. 

My all-time favorite was one I spotted in 2005 and haven't seen since.  A rather large man with long locks invented his own scooter made from a banana bike (remember those from the 60's and 70's?) and a lawnmower motor.  I remember him zipping into town and up and down Hidalgo on that contraption.  How I wish I had a photo of that big burly guy riding on that tiny contraption that sounded like a hornet buzzing.  Anyone else remember him?

 I know I've seen multiple vehicles of this design on the island, but I don't think I've seen one in the U.S.

Here we have one of many modified VW Bugs.  I'm not sure if the black and white paint is a dalmatian or cow theme.  I think I snapped the photo in front of a house with a black and white spotted garage, so maybe it's painted to match the casa?

I love the upholstery in this car!  T-shirts for the front buckets and a brightly colored pastel Mexican blanket in the rear!

I love the way they turn a car into a P.A. system for all those important announcements on the island!

Spotted this fancy paint job on the street that leads to the beach by Ixchel. 

Now this truck must be in the running for # 1 island beater!  I think maybe it's a large recycling bin?

And all this leads me to my only in Mexico crazy driver story.  I won't name name's, but I suppose many people will recognize the vehicle involved.   One morning, as we were walking to our favorite seaglass beach, we saw a jeep speeding down the Caribe side road.  I suddenly realized the back of the car was coming towards us.  We moved off onto the shoulder of the road to give the vehicle a wide berth.  The situation immediately reminded me of the phrase -- backing down Main Street -- that an older friend of mine used to describe elderly folks in my hometown who were starting to lose their faculties.  Yep, the guy was definitely backing down Main Street!

The driver saw Craig and I huddling off the side of the road staring and decided an explanation was in order.  As he whizzed past in reverse in his shiny white jeep, he yelled out --

It only goes in reeeeee-veeeeeerrrrrsssseee!

(Sorry Curtis.  It was too good to pass up!)


  1. There was a good sized guy who said his nickname was The Wizard...kinda an eccentric fellow, who told me he was a genius. (What?? an eccentric ex pat in Isla?)That was ~05 & he put a weed wacker motor onto a lil bike and used to Whizzzz up the coastal road from Meterologica/Salina Chica toward town. The sound of his motor was a big skeeter. This isle was abuzz about it. My motorized bike has been here a year and a half, but we don't get out much. When we do, heads turn. The slow motos will ride right next to me and stare and laugh.(btw, I have been told mine was Isla's FIRST "bugi"...It is moody in its old age, but still cute.)

  2. That's exactly it! I confused the lawnmower motor with the weed whacker! And it did sound like a mosquito! If I remember right, he told a friend he was an inventor!
