Thursday, November 10, 2011

Time to Pack!

It's time to switch gears and get back into Isla mode. After a morning appointment and some errands, I must start throwing some clothes in piles and deciding what to pack for our upcoming trip!   Only a few more sleeps at home left.  Here are some favorite photos from our happy place -- Isla Mujeres!


  1. Remember to carry emergency beer money in case you get lost again.

  2. drgeo, you're never lost on Isla because there are all those little mom & pop tiendas!

  3. I look forward to your reports and photos. Have a great time!

  4. Hi Becky! Drop by when you are here, at least to pat Odd and Missy, and/or have a cold beer with us. Cheers Lynda

  5. Beautiful pics Becky! I'm soooo jealous. Have a great time. Can't wait to see pictures and read some reports!

  6. Great, fun photos. My happy place too!
    I may be coming in mid Dec, so who knows...maybe we'd meet up? -kris

  7. Vee, can't wait!

    Lynda, we will drop by! I know we'll be seaglass hunting over there at some point. We'll catch up and get our Odd and Missy fix!

    Janet, it's gloomy in Phoenix today, so I'm ready for some sun, sand, and salt air!

    Kris, hope we meet up! We leave December 12. (I hate to think about that right now!)
