Thursday, November 17, 2011

Some Island Fare

Watch out for the happy crabs!

From the tiny Scooter Store?


 Speeding iguanas!  Please take notice!

 For all you mermaids who need your scales trimmed.

Bringing in the conch.


  1. Great shots & the new header is lovely! It's a beautiful spot on the beach!

  2. It's nice that the beauty salon is using my photo on their sign. ;)
    I agree that the disembodied head is creepy. Especially since she looks like someone gave her a good bitch slapping and she spent the night in the street.

  3. Hi Becky - I guess judging by your new great pics you have arrived back on Isla. Great! Pop in sometime for a beverage! Cheers L&L

  4. That scoot looks like it has two rear wheels with the engine in between? Where the heck is the gas tank? I'll have to check it out sometime...with a magnifying glass. Great pics as always!

  5. Thanks everyone! We've arrived, but had many frustrations this week. Cable-no-mas, a broken crown -- aargh aargh aargh! Lynda, we saw Odd in the garage as our cab passed yesterday. We will stop by! : )

  6. It's ok if you fell down and broke your crown, just use the scepter and orb until the island gets accustomed to your rule. It's independence day, so not the best timing for an ermine swim suit wrap. :-)

    I bet Sue knows how to find the cablemas guy on his rounds. And Zina knows what the dentist's schedule is-- he works for the Navy so his schedule is not his own. It would be hard to muster sufficient Spanish with a sore tooth though. Perhaps Craig can take photos of your dentist visit so we can all see?

  7. drgeo, I went to a dentist in Cancun whose office is state of the art. And he's a real dreamboat in the looks department. Hubba hubba! HA!
    And now the internet is back! Woo hoooo!
