Friday, November 25, 2011

More Scenes from Thanksgiving Day

Thursday morning while I waited for Craig to get back from his dive, I snapped a few photos of the boats on Medina. 

After sharing a panini at Barlito, we headed to Playa Norte.  I absolutely had to try out my new beach chair purchased at Costco in Cancun on Wednesday.  It's so comfortable!  We parked our gear under the palms in the usual spot at the west end of Maria del Mar.

The water still feels so warm for late November.  Clear, calm, and beautiful!

That new Playa Norte webcam caught Craig in the act!  Nothing like puppy kisses!
I think I already said this and I don't want to rub it in, but what a fantastic way to spend Thanksgiving Day!   If the moon and stars all align correctly this time next year, I think we'll be back again for a do over!

No Black Friday madness for us!  After a long morning walk to our seaglass beach and back, we'll head into town for an early lunch and afternoon on Playa Norte.   Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.


  1. Sounds like a plan to me, too! After 35+ years of working in retail, I never go out on Black Friday!

  2. Dying be there. Maybe next year?

  3. Saby says Craig should be ashamed of cavorting with that naked bitch on Playa Norte.

  4. drgeo, LMAO!!! Ingrid, next year, be there or be square. Ann, I never go out on Black Friday at home. This year, everyone may be getting stuff from Isla!
