Friday, October 28, 2011

Sometimes in Arizona . . .

I wonder if I'm in Mexico!


  1. LOL - well, of course you do! That area belonged to Spain from 1539 to 1853 so the flavour is definitely "Spanish". Love your photos Becky, Cheers Lynda

  2. Thanks Lynda! (And keep that fact on the down low. I lot of Arizonans want to forget that! HA!)

  3. "Texas" opted to secede from Mexico, starting the Mx-Amer War, which relates strongly to Yucatan history. The Yucatan Peninsula hired the Texas Navy to fight Mexico. Congress & Pres. Polk considered annexing the Yucatan to the US. Arizona was included in the territory "won" by the US from Mx in that war. These events contributed to the start of the Yucatan's civil war called The Caste War. Isla was settled by refugees from the Caste War (1851)

  4. No matter where you are the photos are great!

  5. And I can't wait to be in Mexico soon! Thanks went coastal and Ann!

  6. Any chance we could revisit the treaty and swap Arizona for the Yucatan?

  7. drgeo, that would be wonderful! Or maybe dip the border below Arizona down to include Rocky Point so we'd have some nice Sea of Cortez in our backyard? LOL
