Monday, October 10, 2011

Only 75 More Shopping Days . . .

Until Santa emerges from the outhouse!

Okay, let me explain. Craig and I just got back from a Walmart trip to pick up some groceries. As we were strolling through the produce section, we saw the sign that said Only 75 more shopping days till Christmas! Nothing profound about that! Retailers have been pushing Christmas before Halloween for years. Then Craig said, Oh my God Becky. Look UP!

There, on top the produce fixtures, were the latest blowup yard offerings for Christmas. A gigantic sleigh complete with eight reindeer, Santa going down the chimney while Rudolph mans the fire extinguisher to put the flames out on Santa's derierre, and the pièce de résistance at the end of the line -- Santa peaking out of his outhouse!

Seriously Walmart?!!! I guess it might look pretty good on top your trailer, or maybe, just maybe, it might be hilarious to buy for the frontyard just to see if the HOA would react? It's tempting! A guy one block over has a gigantic Dallas Cowboy that blows up on the front lawn on game days.

I wonder if we should center it on the front lawn, or put it in the corner of the courtyard?


  1. How many teeth does your HOA have? If they are slow to move you might get away with it!

  2. Becky, that surely belongs on the front lawn so everyone who passes by can enjoy it's beauty. Haven't they come a long way in Christmas decorations?

  3. You couldn't place it too near the fence for fear the Bumpases would use it!

  4. A.J., the HOA's teeth are long and they've recently become very petty. They've objected to Fred Couples in an Adirondack chair on the back of our son's Ecco Golf van. But they probably couldn't get away with deciding which Christmas decorations are tasteful and which are not? But the HOA narc would probably fall off his Segway at 6 a.m. on the first Tuesday in December. HA!

    Janet, we certainly have come a long way! Who needs Baby Jesus in the manger when you can have Santa in the Crapper!

    drgeo, my chili almost came out my nose when I read your comment! With the Bumpuses in residence that time of year, we'd need a little sign on the door -- For Santa's Use Only! HA!

  5. That must be the "desert version" with the TP on the outside. Last year SkyMall mag was selling a Santa who looked like Jesus praying over the Baby Jesus advertised as "The Ultimate in lawn decoration". A family in Austin humorously featured a scene with cheeses...labeled "The Baby Cheeses".

  6. went coastal, too funny! One time in Bellevue, WA, a neighbor and I attached fresh greenery to the one of the street's mailboxes for Christmas. A Jewish woman (who sold Christmas cards) came out and screamed at us and the evangelical next door came out and accused us of being pagans. She then slapped a Jesus is the Reason for the Season sticker on her mailbox. It's a complicated world! (We thought it was just cut fir.) Ha!
