Saturday, October 1, 2011


Wednesday was moving day! Plop plop fizz fizz, oh what a relief it is! I won't bore you with the details of the scam on the first condo, but let's just say we couldn't get out of there fast enough after our pre-paid week was up. It wasn't the rental we booked, and we ended up calling it the duct tape condo. It's the first place we've ever stayed with plastic and duct tape covering missing tiles in the shower. And the duct tape over the tack strip between carpet and tile was a really nice touch. When in doubt -- duct tape!

Everything in the new place is ship shape and Tommy Bahama fresh. No duct tape! We only moved two doors down the street, but what a difference! We feel like we're in the lap of luxury! This place is clean and gorgeous!

Once we saw the view from the balcony, inertia set in and we decided to just sit and enjoy.

We sat on the balcony and watched the boats and dolphins pass while we sorted the growing shell collection.

We picked up an anti-pasta salad at the Italian restaurant down the street and dined on the deck.

We even stuck around for sunset and have every night since.

I could live here! Unfortunately, tomorrow's another moving day. This time we're moving home. Can't wait to see Saby and free her from the doggie dude ranch, but leaving the ocean's always sad.

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