Monday, October 17, 2011

Anna Maria Wildlife

We're still having very unseasonable weather here in the Phoenix. It's starting to feel like the endless summer. Craig and I really don't mind because 90-something actually feels wonderful after 115 degrees, and the heat wave allows us to extend the pool season. Yesterday, the pool felt a little chilly to me, but Craig and I laughed that the mid-80 degree temp would be ideal for most people. I'm betting the local pool when I was a child hovered in the high 70's. Brrrrrr.

Overnight low's are dipping into the low-60's and even 50's, so life is good sleeping with the windows open listening to the crickets and birds. I occasionally have to remind myself how lucky we are because some people already have the furnace fired up and are dealing with snow.

I'm still sorting through my photos from Anna Maria. Today I'm posting some assorted photos of wildlife on the beach.

Got crab cakes?

Squirrels at the beach. Go figure! I suppose they're attracted by the begging prospects.

Lots of gorgeous birds on Anna Maria, but other than egrets, blue herons, pelicans, and gulls, I don't know their names!

All the shorebirds went crazy at dawn. A local fisherman said they hunt schools of sardines that pass in the water.

These blue herons seem to have their established territory at certain locations on the beach.

This bird was different than the other shore birds in his posse, and obviously banded.


  1. All the photos are great, but I love the crab!

  2. I like the bird with bracelets. :) When I saw wildlife, I was expecting 'Beck and Craig Go Wild', but this was nice, too.

  3. Jana, I thought about posting a photo I took of a county prisoner in his striped suit trimming the shrubs at the local beach club! Ann, I like the crab too.

  4. Peterson's Guide (big book of birds) has an app now! The short one for bird feeder birds is free. They say it is for bird feeders, but include a wild turkey. I wonder how I should lure a turkey to my feeder... perhaps with a birdbath filled with gravy? Anyway, the app is cool because it includes audio bird calls.

  5. Nice bird images. I have never seen a double leg banding before - looks like body art?

  6. Love the crab! And I was thinking the same thing as Jana about the green bands! LOL

