Friday, September 9, 2011

Some Very Odd Ends

I'm still trying to weed through leftover photos from our June Isla trip. The orange's in these photos below remind me of the large pumpkin pie at Costco yesterday. We were trying to decide on something for dinner and a fall urge hit me! We could just eat pumpkin pie instead of dinner. Why bother with the first course when the last course has more than enough calories?

Don't get excited. The pumpkin pie's still in the cooler at Costco. I couldn't allow myself to leap into that bad habit this early in September.

The colors also remind me of the changing season here in Phoenix. It's still very hot, but the evening light already has that orange glow. It actually rained today for five minutes. It was the first time I've seen an umbrella in months. The rain wasn't accompanied by violent wind, lightning, or dirt, so the summer monsoons are on the wane. This morning's bike ride was actually cool(ish). A few less degrees and I'll feel an urge for sleeves! (That would be short sleeves as opposed to no sleeves.)

The best kind of Spanish immersion -- walks through the colonias.

My own clothesline. I'm always sneaking photos of everyone else's. I hung my clothes to dry in June only to awake to rain from the first tropical wave of the trip. I quickly dismantled my clothesline!

A little nook on the outside of Mama Rosa's. It's odd I'd never noticed it before!

A crane at dusk on Salina Grande. It looks a little film noir-ish.


  1. Someone gave me a t-shirt that reads: "Life is short, Eat dessert first". I gained 30 lbs and made extra trips to the dentist, but having fun!

  2. drgeo, you're preaching to the choir! LOL! I used to stay with my grandmother and we ate banana cream pie for dinner! I've been falling off the wagon my entire life. Unfortunately, I think I rolled down the hill last time and I'm mired in the chocolate pudding and I can't get up!

  3. That's a beautiful shot of that crane. I love the way the ripples on the water add texture to the picture.

  4. That egret (?) photo is stunning! It's worthy of entering in the Audubon Society's monthly photo contest! Nice work!
