Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Just When You Think It's Safe . . .

to go back in the water, some guy gets attacked by a shark while you're on vacation.

Craig came home from fishing at the Rod and Reel Pier yesterday with the tale of a shark attack that happened this weekend off Anna Maria Island. The guys at the Rod and Reel were buzzing because the victim was brought to shore there at the pier after the attack. And it was the talk of the town at the restaurant where we ate tonight.

Monday after our morning walk, I got into the Gulf and was doing my water aerobics routine, jogging in the water and flailing my arms around. This was before I heard about the weekend bull shark attack. It suddenly hit me that my wild arm and leg movements might not be the wisest choice. I'll still get in and float around, but remember the Summer of the Shark back in 2001 when there were all those shark attacks off Florida? Yikes!

Here are a few photos from the Rod and Reel Pier, an Anna Maria institution. The shark attack has fueled a new debate on the island. Some neighbors are upset that fishermen at the Rod and Reel use chum to fish for sharks. The Rod and Reel is located at the far northern point of the island on the bayside.

Supposedly, these PETA posters will be cropping up around here in the near future on billboards. I don't imagine they'll go over well.


  1. I don't know how I missed these last few posts! Love the new header photo. Glad you're having a great time & relaxing --are you using your Nook?

  2. That is indeed scary. Glad we don't have those worries on Isla; I like to do water aerobics also & would hate to always be on the alert. -k

  3. Ann, I'm loving the Nook! Reading Second Honeymoon by Joanna Trollope now, and just finished The Red Garden by Alice Hoffman. Between the two library systems and Free Fridays with the Nook blog, I have yet to buy a single book. Bought a little reading light for $2.50 that I can clip on the top for reading in bed, and no problems using it out on the beach.

    Kris, I'm a little freaked. Craig just talked to a guy fishing down the beach who uses the little jacks as bait for shark fishing? He said he battled a large one last night for two hours and finally gave up. Craig didn't pinpoint whether 'large one' meant shark. I guess the guy didn't know since he wasn't able to haul it in? I'll definitely stick to the shallows!

  4. You don't have to swim faster than the shark, just swim faster than Craig!

  5. drgeo, I took a look at the odds this morning and it seemed pretty good. Lots of people in the water! By the time we got out there, everyone was gone. I got in anyway and I still have all my appendages.

  6. Using chum as bate? I'd be very careful in the water - that's just asking for trouble!!!


  7. Beck, it is ILLEGAL to fish for sharks in SC, at least from a pier. If the neighbors are concerned (and I would be!) they should alert local authorities!

    Great photos!!!

  8. Linda, I'm not sure what the laws are in Florida, but it makes sense that it wouldn't be a good thing! I saw the article in a local online paper.
