Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Florida Update

We got off to a bit of a rocky start upon arrival last night (I'll explain more after the trip, but the problem involved a bait and switch on our rental booking). After a nice sunset dinner at a restaurant down the beach, we decided to just forgeddabout it. Nothing to be done, but it chips away at my faith in mankind.

Sunset from the table.

After some spectacular lightning last night, we woke up just in time to see the sunrise.

Lots of shore birds (but no seaglass) on the morning walk.

I decided to pass on this purchase, but it would be perfect for a certain mermaid!

Snack and bait shop at the end of the pier. Craig plans to do some fishing from shore this evening. I think I'll just chill!


  1. Hope everything works out. The photos are beautiful--I think the east coast is a tough place for seaglass--hardly ever find any here in NE!

  2. Never found, but maybe never looked, for gea glass on the gulf. Great shelling and hopefully shark teeth! Relax and enjoy.

  3. Ann, it's kind of a relief not to feel inclined to stoop for anything! My back is thanking me!

    Janet, I haven't seen any shells worth picking up here in Bradenton Beach, but I know there are areas with good shelling and shark teeth. We'll have to drive to those!

  4. Pretty sunset pic and GASP!!! I want that bejeweled bikini!!!!!
