Friday, July 15, 2011

Sky Islands!

Just chalk it up to boredom. We've been home two weeks and we're suffering from wanderlust. Thursday morning we woke up at 6:00 a.m., walked the dog, rode the bikes five miles, and decided we needed a little roadtrip.

We started out there.

And ended here. (Go ahead, scratch and sniff. Smell the pine!)

We lunched on a cool 73 degree sun dappled mountain deck, listening to the wind rustling through the aspens (yes, I said aspens!) and gazing out at the ski slopes.

We split a Log Jammer Sandwich with warm German potato salad.

And of course, we didn't miss the Mountain Berry Crumble Pie! I'd read about it in a guidebook. It was definitely worth the two hour drive!

Recognize this chair in the lobby? It'd been a few years, so Craig had to try it out.

In Arizona, mountains are sometimes called islands in the sky. They jut up out of the desert floor and reach to the sky. It seems so odd that a person can travel from desert floor with saguaros to pine forests with ski runs in a thirty minute drive.

To be continued!


  1. I want to be there! We are having YOUR horrible temps here. High was 108 yesterday with no end in sight. With the humidity, I feel like I am melting except for the first 5 minutes after a shower!

  2. MD, Craig and I got in the pool last night and the temp was only about 86. Brrrrr. This time of year, the pool is always in the 90's. This summer just seems cooler to us, with fewer days over 110 and lower overnight temps dipping into the 70's. This past week, the temps were below 105. So Texas and the Midwest may be getting our weather! I can't imagine 108 with Texas humidity!
