Friday, July 22, 2011

Lo Siento

Sorry about that dang slideshow I posted yesterday! Evidently, the thing works on Facebook, but not here. Actually, I was able to see it sporadically, but would then get a plain black screen at other times. Go figure!

Speaking of Facebook, sometimes a mother sees things on there that make her quake! I tuned into my son's wall yesterday because he had posted photos of his recent trip to Denmark. Those were nice, but I needed another pill when I saw these!

Seriously, this is the kid who doesn't even like to fly in an airplane! A mother turns her back for two seconds and he's hanging out of a hot air balloon over Colorado!


  1. Did you play lots of 5th Dimension records when he was young? Otherwise, not your fault.

  2. Wow that's cool, but as a mother,yikes!!!

  3. drgeo, I have a friend who was afraid to drive across the bridge into Seattle. When she turned 60, she strapped herself to a burly Russian guy and jumped out of an airplane. Maybe the balloon ride will get rid of his flight anxiety. Janet, distance can be a wonderful thing. Some things are best known after the fact. : )

  4. Reminds me of when my ex husband told me after the fact that he went bungie jumping....while I was at home with a 3 month old baby!

    And you wonder why he's an ex? :)

  5. Donna, LOL! A neighbor of ours climbed Mt. Rainier without his wife knowing. Don't ask me how he explained the year of weekends in advance spent getting in shape. He actually fell into a crevasse on the way up, but lived because the people he was roped to didn't go down. Practically everyone in the neighborhood knew except his wife, and he had 3 young children at home. Jackass!

  6. Going up in a hot air balloon was one of the most peaceful things I have ever done! You just float serenely over all below, and time almost stands still as you notice all the small details of the alndscape.


  7. Linda, someday I'll have to try it! It sounds much more relaxing than say a -- zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzipline.
