Sunday, July 10, 2011

Da Luisa

Da Luisa's become a last morning Isla breakfast tradition for us since it's two doors down from our usual island digs at Casa Luna Turquesa. This last trip was no exception since it was raining out and we still needed to pack.

Da Luisa serves great breakfast, lunch, and dinner Tuesday through Sunday. I also noticed when we were on the island, John Cain was providing Saturday evening Happy Hour entertainment. The restaurant's located atop Casa Ixchel at the south end of the airport strip.

The palapa dining room at Da Luisa has nice views of the Caribe. The surf was up since Tropical Wave #4 was passing through the Yucatan.

Here's Craig all tanned up after his two weeks in paradise.

While we were ordering breakfast, we noticed others getting their yoga on in the palapa below. It made me feel a little guilty since I was about to pig out with a fabulous breakfast!

Craig and I both ordered omelets and the meals came with a first course fruit plate!

A side of yummy rosemary potatoes accompanied the omelets!

My Da Luisa mushroom, tomato, and cheese omelet was the best one I had on this trip! Here's a link to Da Luisa's menu.


  1. That looks yummy! Will have to put it on my list to try in Jan!

  2. That is where we ate our breakfast on our last day before leaving for the ferry. Breakfast was delcious! I said the exact thing when I saw them doing yoga, it made me feel pretty guilty for all of 20 seconds!!

  3. Ann, you'll have to try it! Janet, pretty funny! Da Luisa's really convenient when you're staying at Luna Turquesa!
