Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Teaser Photo

I thought this photo was especially appropriate since it's Sunday! We took off Friday on another roadtrip. This time we headed to the Globe/Miami, Arizona area. I don't know what it is about us and mining towns! Globe's another old copper mining area -- actually, they're still mining copper! A local told me a Canadian company is opening up a new mine that's expected to give a real boost to the local economy.

We stopped in Miami, Arizona on our way back down the hill. While Globe seems to be revitalized with most of the storefronts in the downtown area now occupied, Miami is a ghost town still on the rise. It's actually a very slow rise. Every time we stop there, the downtown street is virtually deserted. The town does have two handfuls of galleries and antique stores, but once again, I was disappointed because few of them were open. A shop owner said most are only open on the weekend. (I figured Friday was close enough!)

One street off the main road, I saw a ramshackle building with religious signs on the front. Stuff (and I do mean just stuff) was thrown out on the sidewalk in front of the decaying edifice with garage sale signs tacked around. I walked over to get a photo because it was such a strange conglomeration of messages.

A young guy came running out after seeing me across the street with my camera and immediately asked us what we might be interested in. The streets were deserted, so I think he leaped on us since it might be his sole opportunity of the afternoon. His wares were mostly rocks and a few copper pots. I felt bad, but we left empty-handed -- with the exception of this photo.


  1. Beck,

    We need to take a road trip in Arizona our boys would love it. One of their favorite songs is “Take It Easy” by the Eagles. They want to stand on a corner in Winslow Arizona.

  2. You always find the the most interesting places to visit! Thnaks for taking us along!

  3. Hogfamily, I've often wanted to stand on that corner in Winslow, Arizona! Unfortunately, we always bypass Winslow and turn south at Holbrook. One of these days! Arizona really does have a lot of history and beautiful scenery. It's a great place for a roadtrip!

    Ann, I'm looking forward to switching my posts back to the beach next week! : )

  4. Beck,

    A long time ago, in another life, I lived in Searchlight Nevada, (Las Vegas too), I rode my motorcycle on some of Route 66 then and I did stand on a corner in Winslow had to do it as that Eagles song was one of my favorites also.


  5. Bill, I thought you were an Alaska lifer! I'm discovering a lot of Arizona looks like Route 66 with vintage architecture from that era left standing. I love all of it! We're going to miss the Hogfamily on Isla in June. : (

  6. Came to Alaska in the Army when I was 20.

    We will miss you and Isla this summer too. We are going to spend our summer traveling around Alaska as we have not done that for a long time. Catz is coming to visit us in July I’m sure it will take us a while to recover from that adventure.

    We are thinking of Isla next summer although with Alaska Airlines no longer flying to Cancun it is more expensive and inconvenient for us.

    You guys will have to come to Alaska and visit us!

  7. Bill, one of these days we'll get the Alaska bug! We lived in Seattle for 20 years. Craig went to Alaska several times each year, including Katzubu (sp?) in January. I never got up there, and I regret it! Alaska Airlines threw a real monkey wrench when they discontinued that Seattle to Cancun flight. Craig flew Alaska a lot when we lived in Seattle, so our flights to Cancun were usually free. Once we moved to Phoenix, it was much harder to use the Alaska points, so I finally switched to an American Airlines card. Hope you get back to Isla next summer. I think it'll be an annual trip for us because Isla is a pleasant change from the Phoenix summer blast furnace.
